Rent an apartment in southwest Philadelphia . We have 349 rental homes in Southwest Philadelphia located throughout various school districts. Use our detailed filters to find the right place, then contact a property manager.
Southwest Philadelphia 3 Bedroom Homes for Rent in Philadelphia, PA at
Use only the available filter options to find the property that best suits your needs. The median rent for a studio apartment in this part of town is $1,031 and ranges from $850 to $1,445. As of May 2022, the median rent for an apartment in Southwest Downtown is $1,424 for a one-bedroom, $1,864 for a one-bedroom, $2,222 for a two-bedroom, and $3,364 for a three-bedroom.
Discover Trulia rental neighborhoods, schools, local guides and more.
Southwest Philadelphia 3d Home and Home Video Tour Southwest Philadelphia Air Conditioning Southwest Philadelphia Homes Dishwasher Southwest Philadelphia Homes Southwest Philadelphia Elevator Decorated Homes Southwest Philadelphia Stepping/Porch Dry Road Southwest Philadelphia Truck For dry waste. Find your next apartment in the Schuylkill neighborhood of Southwest Philadelphia. 1 bed • 1 bath
To narrow down your search, enter the name of the school in the search bar to find homes for rent in that school district.
Currently, more than 149,000 apartments are available. Use only the available filter options to find the property that best suits your needs. The average price of two-bedroom apartments is $1,706, and ranges from $828 to $2,335.
Search 18 properties for rent in Southwest Germantown, Philadelphia, PA.
Browse rentals, view photos, and more. Rents for apartments in south-western city centers rose by 4.0% last year. If you are renting an apartment for a year or need an apartment for a few months for business, an apartment search specialist can help you find an apartment that fits your budget.
Apartments for rent in Southwest Schuylkill in Philadelphia.
Condominiums in Southwest Philadelphia will cost between $75,675 and $3,100. Apartment prices in this neighborhood range from $675 to $3,100. 7900 Lindbergh blvd ofc 4400, Philadelphia, PA 19153.
The median price for one-bedroom apartments is $1,315 and ranges from $75,675 to $2,500.
Explore 276 apartments in Philadelphia, PA. Use our detailed filters to find the right place, then contact a property manager. 5738 Gray road Gray road 5738 units.
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